Sometimes you just hafta eat a donut or two ... or three ...
Maybe I shouldn't have picked up that 6-pack of donuts with that coffee on my way back from Quebec City Thursday.
Alright, here's the lowdown of my incredibly busy week. First of all:
Travelling Tip #1
If driving from Montreal to Quebec City on the 40, make sure you have enough gas to cover the entire distance unless you plan to fuel up at the "only" gas station just outside Montreal.
I figured this out the hard way, and at 5 something in the morning, after staring into the rising sun for an hour and ignoring my dashboard, realised that the needle of my gas tank was in the red. EMPTY!! Hoped desperately to find a little town with a gas station. Nada. Finally took my chances and took an exit even though I had not seen any gas station signs. After leaving the highway, I was given a choice - Town A or Town B. Great ... as if I would know which one was a) closer and b) had a gas station. Eanie Meanie Minie Moe and off I went onto some little winding road. I prayed as I went over each rolling hill, hoping that I would have enough gas to get to the crest of each hill where, if I had to, would just roll down.
Finally found a gas station, but heck, it was closed. Tried calling a number on the sign for the garage, but some good that did since it was the wrong number. Tried banging on the door of the house beside the garage hoping it belonged to the owner. Didn't succeed in waking anyone though ... but how sympathetic would they have been to my predicament at 6 something in the morning? Thought about calling CAA but then imagined the conversation:
Bonnie: Hi, I've run out of gas.
CAA: Well, tell us where you are and we'll send someone out to help as soon as possible.
Bonnie: Um ... I don't know where I am ... but I'm parked in front of a gas pump of a garage that has a sign that lists a wrong number ....
Well, long story short, I finally got some gas when the garage opened and made it to "set" more than three hours late, but not after getting lost in Quebec City a few times and having to call the set for directions. Drat that Google map ... Whew, what a morning!
Alright, not much sleep this week, and that's why today I'm totally unproductive and vegetative. Feels good to do nothing. Yay!
So, here's this week's training, though scarce:
Monday - swim 30 min., bike 30 min.
Tuesday - nada ... you kidding? I had slept one hour the night before heading off to Quebec and didn't finish shooting until 8pm then had to head to my friend's place and settle in ... and alright, swing dance a bit too ...
Wednesday - another long day, started at 6am, finished close to 5pm. Not much sleep the night before but still managed to go for a 40 min. swim before supper and swing dancing.
Thursday - finally, a more regular training day. Got in a run, yes, a RUN!! I haven't run since before the accident, Feb. 12 to be precise, and to be honest, I have been afraid for weeks about this first run, afraid how my neck would react. But I think I was good to play it conservatively and not restart too soon. My neck was fine after the 57 min. slow and gentle almost 9k run. It sure was a lot of fun to run again with my Mtl Coolrunner friends through the Westmount hills. Finished the evening off with a 40 min. swim.
Friday - no training, no time. Should have trained earlier today while it was beautiful and warm outside but I needed moreso to sleep and relax and catch up on a few things. Wanted to train tonight but I had to work. Thought of going swing dancing but when I got into my car after work, changed my mind - not feeling 100% ... I hope I'm not catching the cold my son Gustav had last weekend ... Argh!