Thursday, April 26, 2007

Is this a little more reasonable?

It seems that with the slight increase in running recently, I somehow think that I have the right to eat anything. Except it's been getting out of hand. Somehow my stomach has tricked my mind into thinking that I need to constantly fuel up for that next run, except that next run never comes ...

Tonight, thought I'd get in a little run even though I felt tired from a long day of work on my feet. Then I realised that Gray's Anatomy was on, and since I've only had the occasion to catch one episode of it this year, I thought I'd catch the last half hour. My run could wait. And then, thinking I could kill two birds with one stone, I'd run while heating up this quick and easy meat pie. Except I didn't count on CSI coming on right after Gray's Anatomy ... ugh.

Look at me, carefully cutting only one third of the pie to eat for supper with a green salad.

This label made more sense than that recent chicken pot pie label. One third is a very reasonable portion.

Needless to say, I didn't end up running. I just cut one sixth more of the meat pie ... Well, look at that! One huge honking half of a pie again in my Buddha belly ... 795 calories.

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