Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm racing Ironman tomorrow!

Things have been hectic and crazy this week:

1) My friend and I got cut off by a driver during a training ride when she turned suddenly into a plaza driveway. She hit the left arm of my friend. I smashed into the back of her van, bracing my fall with my face and right upper body as I shot over my handlebars. I'm better now ... soreness has almost dissipated, bruises fading, swelling down.

2) My bike, Freida, is finished :-( Bent frame makes it too dangerous to ride.

3) 17 hour drive total to Louisville.

4) New bike bought in Louisville ... no choice.

5) Chain fell off and flat tire during first 15 min. of my ride today. Total 45 min. riding on my new bike in two days.

5) Got a parking ticket in Louisville.

So, now I KNOW I'm gonna rock this race!!

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