Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I would have if I could have!

Should have gone for a swim tonight and I wanted to ...

Should have gone for a run tonight and I wanted to ...


I've been at my computer all day long writing with a deadline screaming out at me, working on Draft #2 of that press kit, taking time out only to eat quickly, make tea, and take toilet breaks. Except for the occasional stretch or pacing break, there has been no physical motion on my part, that is if you don't count my fingers typing away clickety-clack-clickety-clack.

I always keep my nails super short because I hate those hollow tac-tac sounds and it slows me down. I used to admire a certain boyfriend that I had when I was younger who aspired to be a writer. Used to type like a machine gun going off. Now he's an executive producer of a popular Sci-fi television series and is still writing. Good. Gives me something to aim towards ... I've finally got his typing speed, now, do I have his talent?

Naaah ... I've got MY talent!


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