Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I did it !!!

I dragged my sloth butt out the door tonight and made myself run for almost half an hour. My legs felt like they were turning over fast enough though my feet told me otherwise. That's alright, some training is better than none and I have to start (ahem, restart) somewhere. It's hard to believe I was ever able to do the Ironman. Was that just a dream?

Scurried off to dance class with Dance Conmigo. I'm learning waltz and cha cha lead with this great teacher named Cheryl. My friend CM convinced me to go with her and I figured I owed it to her for all I've subjected her to while learning to lead West Coast Swing, my favourite dance in the world.

Then off to a late supper with Marcus ... mmm ... rib steak & belated race celebrations for both of us ... a great combination!


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