Monday, January 09, 2006

I joined a Triathlon Club!

Went to my first Triathlon Club meeting tonight. Swimming. Boy, did I feel intimidated. I saw a whole bunch of life guards. There were three lanes: slow, medium and fast. I say it was more like medium, fast, and extra fast. I tell you, if it weren't for the fact that a whole bunch of people were all doing the same drills, I wouldn't have toughed it out, but I didn't want them to think that I'm a sissy or worse, find out I'm a fake swimmer.

150m warm-up, any style
6 x 50m kick drill
50m front crawl with fins, head out of water for 25m
150m front crawl
6 x 25m front crawl sprint, 70sec for each lap incl. rest
(this one really hurt - if you take too long to get across, you get no rest, but I tried to be a good fast girl and made it across in 25+ sec.)
3 x 75m (25m breast, 50mback crawl)

I think that was it, maybe I'm off a couple of laps. My tired head can't remember.

It's great training with people and having specific times set up to meet them. If I didn't have this, I wouldn't be motivated to move and would most likely be sprawled out on my couch as much as possible, or better yet, in my bed, finally getting some zzzzz's ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're impressed... very impressed! but be sure to get enough rest before it all becomes unglued... :0)

11:36 a.m.  

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